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A Helping Hand: Ways to help your Community 




Ronoald McDonald House 


Being apart of Aplha Delta Pi our philanthropy is the Ronald McDonald House. The mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) is to create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children. Their core values are:

  • Focusing on the critical needs of children.

  • Celebrating the diversity of our people and programs

  • Valuing our heritage.

  • Operating with accountability and transparency

If you are intrested in learning more about RMH, donating, or getting involved with the nearest locations click on the button below. 

Pictures from my sisters on instagram. For more cute pictures of my sisters search Alpha Delta Pi or ADPi on Instagram, Faceboook and Twitter.


Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids


Equity Fights AIDS was founded in October 1987 by the Council of Actors' Equity Association. Money raised through the efforts of Equity theatre companies across the country was specifically earmarked for The Actors Fund's AIDS Initiative.


Broadway Cares was founded in February 1988 by members of The Producers' Group. Money raised was earmarked to be awarded to AIDS service organizations nationwide, including Equity Fights AIDS.

In May 1992, Equity Fights AIDS and Broadway Cares merged to become Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. The Board of Trustees of this newly established not-for-profit fundraising organization assumed the missions of the previously separate organizations and continues to fund the social service work of The Actors Fund and to award grants three times a year to AIDS service organizations nationwide.


Unlike most other nonprofit, grant-making organizations, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS must raise every single dollar of our philanthropic budget every year in order to fulfill our mission. In turn, BC/EFA works hard to ensure that the money we raise is spent carefully and wisely on programs where these hard-earned funds can have the maximum possible impact.

If you want to donate or want more information visit their website.


The WARM Place 

 The WARM Place located in Fort Worth Tx. The acronym WARM stands for “What About Remembering Me?”  The WARM Place's mission is “to help children throughout the grieving process to find hope after the death of a loved one. We act as a companion along their grief journey, offering love, support, encouragement, and community.” Bright Spot Collaborative feels this aligns perfectly with the story of Whale Fall.  Linked is their website to see how you can volunteer or get involved with this amazing organization.   

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